We couldn't forget about our wonderful Administrative Professionals at MCHS. We're so thankful for all they do for us at MCHS.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Administrative Professionals' Day
Happy National Principal's Day to Mr. Young and Mr. Edwards!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Prinicpal's day
Congratulations to our April Elks Teens of the Month Hannah Brown and Samuel Goodin!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
April Elks Teens of the Month
Carrie On Field Day is coming Friday May 6th, 2022!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Carrie On Field Day 2022
MCHS Awards Day
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
MCHS Awards Day
Class of 2022 Seniors, Graduation is coming up! Graduation DVD's are available for purchase now. Please bring form and money to MCHS Front Office. Seniors also be sure to check out the Important Senior Dates and Times link on our website. Go Tribe!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Graduation DVD
You're invited to the Spring Choir Concert on Thursday, April 21st, 2022 at 7:00pm in MCHS Auditorium. "Still I Rise" is the title of the 2022 Spring Concert that features all music composed or arranged by black composers. Join us as we celebrate these composers by singing classical, gospel, spiritual, and pop arrangements. Students will be providing background stories for each composer. This is a night that you do not want to miss!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Spring Choir Concert
Congratulations to our March Elks Teens of the Month Alice-Grace Beavers and Micah Underdown!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
March Elks Teens of Month
MCHS Golden Girls Dance Team Tryouts are next week! Scan the QR code to register by 8:00pm on April 10th. Any questions, please email bmcdonald@athensk8.net.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
MCHS Golden Girls Dance Team Tryouts
The McMinn County High School marching band is holding Color Guard auditions after school from April 18 to 22, in the MCHS Band Room. The Color Guard performs flag routines with the marching band at halftime of MCHS football games, parades, and marching contests. For more information, please contact Matt McHenry, MCHS Band Director, at jmchenry@mcminnschools.com. Current students can pick up a tryout packet from Mr. McHenry or Mrs. Ratti.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Congratulations to Alice-Grace Beavers on being named a University of Tennessee Knoxville Haslam Scholar! She is the first ever Haslam Scholar from McMinn County High School. The Haslam Scholars program at UTK is a very competitive national scholarship program. The 15 national scholars are granted a full ride scholarship provided by the Haslam Family. She will get the opportunity to study abroad, a paid internship and be a part of a special leadership program only offered to the Haslam Scholars.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Alice-Grace Beavers
Congratulations to our Senior Superlative Winners!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Senior Superlatives
Cayden Holland was selected as a District Attendance Incentive Winner for exemplary attendance and won a $100 Amazon Gift Card. He is pictured with MCHS Principal Mr. Young.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Attendance Winner
Our AP Human Geography students visited Sweetwater Valley Farm to tour their robotic milking process. After we visited Tennessee Wesleyan University for their International Day Celebration.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Sweetwater Valley Farm
Sweetwater Valley Farm
TWU International Day
TWU International Day
MCHS Families, Grade Card Distribution has been changed to Wednesday, March 30th, 2022. They will not receive them on Friday as originally stated. We apologize for the delay.
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Prom Shop is open this Saturday!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Prom Shop
Vidhi Patel, Taylor Queen, Love Patel, and Mason Headrick represented MCHS at the Chattanooga Regional Science and Engineering Fair on Wednesday, March 16th. These students brought home the following awards: 2nd Place in Behavioral and Social Sciences—Vidhi Patel 1st Place in Environmental Engineering—Taylor Queen American Psychological Association Award for Achievement in Research in Psychological Science—Vidhi Patel Ricoh Sustainable Development Award—Taylor Queen Yale Science and Engineering Association Award for Most Outstanding Exhibit in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics—Love Patel and Mason Headrick Senior Division Regeneron ISEF Grand Prize (advancing to compete at the International Science and Engineering Fair)—Love Patel and Mason Headrick
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
MCHS STEAM Regional Winners
Congratulations to our February Elks Teens of the Month Haley Harrold and Nick Earps!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
February Elks Teens
Capstar continues it's partnership with McMinn County High School to promote excellence in academics and athletics. Pictured are Joe Young, Principal, Hunter Starr, Capstar Financial Center Manager-Decatur Pike, Heather Hansen, Capstar Customer Care Specialist II, Bo Cagle, MCHS Athletic Director and Head Football Coach and Amy Goodin, Capstar EVP Chief Risk Officer. Second picture: Amy Goodin, Sam Goodin, Jaryd Gable, Danyul Belton (MCHS Student Athletes), Heather Hansen and Hunter Starr. Photo by Chris Adams
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Capstar Bank Partnership
Capstar bank partnership with student athletes
Boys and Girls District 5-AAAA Tournament schedule released. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students. Parking is a $3 donation. Concessions will also be available. We look forward to seeing you all support your teams!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County HS
Girls Basketball Districts
Boys Basketball Districts